In periodontal laser therapy the provider uses a dental laser to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue from around the root of the tooth.
Laser gum treatment aftercare.
Do not be alarmed with any color changes or appearance of tissues following laser therapy.
It is important to maintain good food and fluid intake.
During laser gum surgery with jackson periodontists dr.
Reduce activity for several hours following the surgery.
Since lasers can target the infected tissues with extreme precision the doctor limits the damage to a small area.
Eat soft or liquid foods for six to eight weeks depending on your dentist s recommendations.
Laser periodontal surgery 1.
Laser gum treatment aftercare.
Laser gum surgery takes just two hours and patients are awake the entire time only the working areas are numbed.
The purpose of this is to protect the clot that is acting as a band aid between the gum and the teeth.
When the infected tissue is removed and the root is exposed the root scaling begins.
Patient instructions following laser periodontal therapy.
This is because laser gum surgery is less invasive than traditional therapy which involves heavy amounts of drilling bleeding swelling and post op pain.
The laser is gentle so there s no heavy bleeding and no stitches required.
Try to eat soft but nutritious foods such as eggs yogurt fruits vegetables ice cream etc.
Do not be alarmed with any color changes or appearance of tissues following laser therapy.
Stewart light energy is used to hunt out harmful bacteria inside the gum pockets.
This involves scraping off the calculus and plaque built up below the gumline and around the root.
It is recommended to have a liquid diet for three days following the lanap and repair treatment and then a soft diet for up to 14 days.
It is ok to spit rinse and wash your mouth today.
Reduce activity for several hours following the surgery.
Laser gum surgery recovery and healing are shorter in time.
During aftercare don t use straws.
For the first 3 days after laser therapy follow only a liquid like diet to allow healing.
The purpose of this is to protect the clot that is acting as a band aid between the gum and the teeth.