I v characteristics of zener diode.
Laser experiment viva questions.
Department of physics physics lab viva voce questions and its answers laser parameters.
Physics lab viva voce questions and its answers laser parameters 1.
Viva questions with answers dept of physics hppc govt.
A grating is a plane glass plate on which a large number of opaque rulings are drawn at equidistance with a diamond head.
In this experiment you determine the laser wavelength by diffraction grating.
Here some questions are asked to make experiments working more clear in terms of physical concepts.
Optical communication lab viva questions.
Yes the fringes equispaced.
A wedge shaped air film is formed.
Identification of unknown passive electrical components and determine the value of inductance and capacitance 2.
Greater than 66 291 views.
What are the important cpu registers in the 8085 microprocessor.
You can attempt it and learn more about the experiment.
3 what is the type of diffraction in the diffraction grating experiment.
Laser beam divergence 41 checklist for expt.
How are longitudinal strain and stress produced in your experiment.
As a result longitudinal strain is produced.
Are the fringes equispaced.
If you use this practice test please share your experience through the comment box below.
6 viva voce for expt.
Waves a wave is a phenomenon whereby energy is moved without the transference of any material.
In our experiment we use plane type replica grating.
This is the time required for the laser output to drop to one half of its initial value when current passes through the device.
Fraunhofer diffraction is involved because the source and the screen are effectively at infinite distance.
Viva questions on meter bridge experiment in hindi physicspractical meterbridge apnipryogshala duration.
8085 microprocessor lab viva questions with answers 1.
Laser thin slit wire and grating 49 checklist for expt.
X rays ultraviolet rays light and radio waves all travel at the same speed through a vacuum.
Newtons ring experiment viva.
6 55 7 supplementary information for experiment 7 biography of michael faraday 59.
Due to depression the upper or the concave side of the beam becomes smaller than the lower or the convex side of the beam.
To provide all physical concept associated with this experiment i have created this quiz.
What type of air film do you get when thin plate is placed between two plane parallel glass plates.
Physics lab 15phyl17 27 viva questions.
5 45 viva voce for expt.
2015first grade college challaker 577522 1 16 air wedge 1.
5 45 6 supplementary information for experiment 6 biography of ali javan 47 experiment 6.
Series and parallel lcr circuits determination of resonant frequency and quality factor 3.